Inpage nav


Inpage nav links helps users scan the contents of a page and navigate to different sections of the page.

React Usage

import { AUinpageNavLinks, AUinpageNavSection } from '';

<AUinpageNavLinks sections={[
    link: 'section1',
    title: 'Section 1',
    link: 'section2',
    title: 'Section 2',
    li: {
      className: 'li-wrapping-class',
]} />

<AUinpageNavSection title="Section 1 headline" link="section1">

<AUinpageNavSection title="Section 2 headline" link="section2">


Prop name Type Description
title string The title above all sections
ariaLabel string The aria-label attribute, defaults to "in page navigation"
sections array All of the sections in a neat array
sections[ 0 ].link string The link to the section, this will be converted to a hash link
sections[ 0 ].title string The link text of this section
sections[ 0 ].li object An object that will be spread onto the <li> tag, optional
sections[ 0 ].onClick function A function to be executed when a section is clicked, optional

All other props are spread into the component


Prop name Type Description
title string The title of the section
link string The link of this section, corresponds to the link inside AUinpageNavLinks
level number The semantic heading tag level, h1-h6, optional
headingClass string Additional classes to be added to the headline, optional
sectionLink string The text for the section link
dark boolean A dark variation of the component

All other props are spread into the component


Name Type Description
AUinpageNavLinks named The AUinpageNavLinks component
AUinpageNavSection named The AUinpageNavSection component

node_modules import

import { AUinpageNavLinks, AUinpageNavSection } from '';

pancake import

import { AUinpageNavLinks, AUinpageNavSection } from './inpage-nav';