Keyword list
v4.0.0The keyword list style helps to emphasise and draw the user's eye to phrases that are repeated in a list.
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A key and value pair used to display a small subtitle above a larger title.
Light: <ul class="au-link-list au-keyword-list">
Dark: <ul class="au-link-list au-keyword-list au-keyword-list--dark">
<ul class="au-keyword-list au-link-list">
<small class="au-keyword-list__small">Department of </small>
Agriculture and Water Resources
<small class="au-keyword-list__small">Department of </small>
Communications and the Arts
Light: <AUkeywordList repeatedName='repeated text'
Dark: <AUkeywordList dark repeatedName='repeated text'
import AUkeywordList from '';
<AUkeywordList repeatedName='Department of' items={[
name: 'Agriculture and Water Resources',
name: 'Communications and the Arts',
]} />
With links
The keyword list also supports links which span both the key and value pair in the text.
Light: <ul class="au-link-list au-keyword-list">
Dark: <ul class="au-link-list au-keyword-list au-keyword-list--dark">
<ul class="au-keyword-list au-link-list">
<a href="#">
<small class="au-keyword-list__small">Department of </small>
Agriculture and Water Resources
<a href="#">
<small class="au-keyword-list__small">Department of </small>
Communications and the Arts
Light: <AUkeywordList repeatedName='repeated text'
Dark: <AUkeywordList dark repeatedName='repeated text'
import AUkeywordList from '';
<AUkeywordList repeatedName='Department of' items={[
link: '#url',
name: 'Agriculture and Water Resources',
link: '#url',
name: 'Communications and the Arts',
]} />