Main nav


A horizontal list of links to key areas on the website. Typically placed in the header.


The main navigation component is intended to be used as the primary means of navigation around the website. It typically accommodates the top level of the information architecture.

Most sites will require some form of navigation to help users find the information theyre looking for. While a horizontal navigation bar is just one option for navigation design, it is one of the most visible and familiar ways of helping users navigate a site.

The main navigation component is designed to work closely with the header component and collapses down to a conventional open/close menu button on smaller devices.

Note: Because the main navigation component is a horizontal list, it doesnt accommodate a large amount of items. If you need more space, consider another navigation component such as the side nav.


  • Avoid using hover to expand dropdown lists. Hover is difficult for some users and wont work on touch screens.

  • Model your navigation according to the tasks and information your users most frequently need to access.

  • Use descriptive, recognisable link labels. Dont label links with jargon or unfamiliar terms.

  • Present links in priority order: Higher-demand links should appear farther to the left, and lower-demand links should appear farther to the right.


  Light:  <nav class="au-main-nav">
  Dark:   <nav class="au-main-nav au-main-nav--dark">

  Note: Main nav requires feature detection to see if a user has javascript.
        Please add a `no-js` class on html and replace it with `js` if enabled

<nav class="au-main-nav" aria-label="main">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12">
        <div id="main-nav-default" class="au-main-nav__content">
            class="au-main-nav__toggle au-main-nav__toggle--open"
            onClick="return AU.mainNav.Toggle( this )">
          <div class="au-main-nav__menu">
            <div class="au-main-nav__menu-inner">
              <div class="au-main-nav__focus-trap-top"></div>
                class="au-main-nav__toggle au-main-nav__toggle--close"
                onClick="return AU.mainNav.Toggle( this )">
              <ul class="au-link-list">
                <li><a href="#">About</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Get started</a></li>
                <li class="active"><a href="#" aria-current="page">Components</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Templates</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Community</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Support</a></li>
              <div class="au-main-nav__focus-trap-bottom"></div>
            onClick="return AU.mainNav.Toggle( this )">
  Light:  <AUmainNav>
  Dark:   <AUmainNav dark>

  Note: Main nav requires feature detection to see if a user has javascript.
        Please add a `no-js` class on html and replace it with `js` if enabled

import AUmainNav, { AUmainNavContent } from '';

<AUmainNav dark alt>
  <div className="container">
    <div className="row">
      <div className="col-md-12">
        <AUmainNavContent items={[
            link: 'about',
            text: 'About',
            link: 'get-started',
            text: 'Get started',
            link: 'components',
            text: 'Components',
            active: 'true'
            link: 'templates',
            text: 'Templates',
            link: 'community',
            text: 'Community',
            link: 'support',
            text: 'Support',
        ]} />