Side nav


A vertical list of links for site navigation typically placed next to the body content.

SCSS variables

Variable name Default value Description
$AU-side-nav-breakpoint sm Breakpoint for side navigation (sm)
$AU-side-nav-depth 3 Maximum depth of menu (3)

React Usage

import AUsideNav from './side-nav.js';

  linkComponent={ Link }
  accordionHeader="In this section"
  menuHeader="Lodging your tax return"
      link: 'one',
      text: 'Change to route one',
      children: [
          link: 'two',
          text: 'Change to route two',
          link: 'three',
          text: 'Change to route three',
      link: 'four',
      text: 'Change to route four',


Prop name Type Description
menuHeader string The headline of the menu
menuHeaderLink string The menu headers link
accordionHeader string The headline of the accordion
linkComponent string The component used for the child links, optional
ariaLabel string The aria-label attribute, defaults to "side navigation"
closed boolean Closed state, optional
speed number Speed of the animation in ms, optional
onOpen function A function executed when the accordion opens, optional
afterOpen function A function executed after the accordion opens, optional
onClose function A function executed when the accordion closes, optional
afterClose function A function executed after the accordion closes, optional
dark boolean A dark variation of the component
alt boolean An alternate variation of the component
items object The menu items
items[0].text string The text of the link
items[0].link string The location of the link
items[0].children object An array of items containing child links, text and children

All other props are spread into the component


Name Type Description
AUsideNav default The link list component

node_modules import

import AUsideNav from '';

pancake import

import AUsideNav from './side-nav';