

Breadcrumbs are a navigational aid that display a user's location on a website as a row of links, usually located at the top of the page.

React Usage

import AUbreadcrumbs from '';

<AUbreadcrumbs label="Breadcrumb for this page" items={[
    link: 'breadcrumb/one/',
    text: 'breadcrumb 1',
    link: 'breadcrumb/two/',
    text: 'breadcrumb 2',
    text: 'breadcrumb 3',
]} />


Prop name Type Description
label string Provide the aria label
items object The link, text and props for each of the breadcrumbs
linkComponent string The component used for the child links, optional
items[0].link string The link of the breadcrumb, optional
items[0].linkComponent string The component used for the link, optional
items[0].text string The text of the breadcrumb
items[0].li object An object that will be spread onto the <li> tag, optional
dark boolean A dark variation of the component

All other props are spread into the component


Name Type Description
AUbreadcrumbs default The breadcrumbs component

node_modules import

import AUbreadcrumbs from '';

pancake import

import AUbreadcrumbs from './breadcrumbs';